Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow Day

Skye and I were both surprised to wake to a Snow Day today. Last night brought a dusting of snow to cover the 1 1/2" already on the ground and roads too slick for safe passage by the local fleet of school buses. So here we are at home, doing the things we do on Snow Days. For everybody knows, Snow Days exist in a different reality.

Skye has a friend over. They've ridden the go-cart, made snow ice cream, thrown snow at each other, and whatever else girls their age do when it snows. Skye has also read, tended her animals, and finished her Christmas thank-you notes.
I've read, both a bit of a novel and my daily blog feeds. I've made "real" hot cocoa for the girls, built and tended the fire in the heater, washed clothes, made bean soup, and started a batch of chicken stock. Soon, I'll start a batch of bread. And tomorrow, it's back to the real world.

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