About a year ago, as we sat outdoors on the deck that preceded the back porch, she told me about how she had started etching and painting gourds. She even brought some of her finished and half-finished gourds to show me. The next thing she knew, we were tramping out to my gardening shed (locally known as "The Barn") to root around for gourds. I knew I had a couple out there that had come off a gourd vine here a few years ago. I had been saving them for a project that I doubted would ever happen. So my gourds went home with Dee.
Now they're home again. Isn't sharing fun?
Dear Laney,
Imagine my surprise to see your (mine for one year) gourds pictured on your blog which I must say that I truly look forward to reading often. You have many many talents and now one more as a freelance reporter. I feel proud as a peacock seeing them right there in full color big as day.
Luv ya Lany,
Thanks for reading! Your gourds are awesome!
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