February 18, 2009, marks a momentous occasion at The Realm. So does June 21, 2009. What's so important about those dates? Well, February 18 is the day that we brought home 10 Cuckoo Marans chicks to join the household, and June 21 is the day Skye found the first egg laid by our lovely ladies.
Time is short this morning, so just a quick overview. I'll write more details later. After returning the males to the neighbor who

gave us the chicks, we have 5 lovely Cuckoo Marans living the the Chicken Tractor designed and built by Love. In April, 3 little Cinnamon Queens from a local farm supply store joined The Flock. This Sunday, someone laid her first egg, which Skye scrambled and ate for breakfast Monday morning.
More details of the Chicken Saga to follow, I promise. If you'd like to see more pictures, check out Fowl Friday over at
Skye's blog.

Right now, I have to fix sack lunches for the day and get ready to leave The Realm for another day at the library.