Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Ozark Gardening Calendar

Kitchen Garden:
Weekly plant spinach and English peas until night temperature hits 45F or April 15.

Berry Patch:
At leaf break on blueberries, fertilize with blood meal (NPK 12-1.5-0.6)

1st 50F March day, spray apples & plums w/ dormant oil spray.
When growth begins, fertilize apple trees.

March 1
Plant onions and tomatoes.
Berry Patch:
Transplant blackberries.

March 2
Kitchen Garden:
Plant potatoes.
Work leaves into soil.
Remove mulch from early planting beds.
Fertilize perennials.
Plant cabbage, brocolli, caulieflower, & lettuce.
Cottage Garden:
Fertilize perennials.

March 10
Kitchen Garden:
Plant mustard weekly until May.

March 15
Kitchen Garden:
Plant carrots, cilantro, radish, beets, & turnips.
Transplant collards (give protection).
Move onions and leeks to cold frame.
Cottage Garden:
Plant larkspur.
Fertilize pecan trees.

March 18
Cottage Garden:
Prune butterfly bush.

March 23
Plant summer squash.

March 30
Cottage Garden:
Plant sunflowers.