Sunday, February 1, 2009

February Ozark Gardening Calendar

February 1:
Kitchen Garden:
Weekly plant spinach and English peas until night temperature hits 45F or April 15.
Put plastic over beds to warm them.
Fertilize or top-dress asparagus with compost if not done last fall.

Cold Frame:
Plant salad greens, beets, onions, parsley, & cabbage.

Berry Patch:
Prune grapes.
Transplant blackberries.
Prune blueberries. Remove old canes that are weak, diseased or damaged; cut back tall, vigorous shoots to force branching at a lower level and to control bush height; and thin fruiting shoots to reduce the number of flower buds by about 50%.
Mulch blueberries.

Plant broccoli, artichoke, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, peppers

Apply dormant oil spray on mild days.
Prune apple trees & rake under trees to interrupt the life cycles of insect pests.

February 15
Plant collards.

February 21
Kitchen Garden:
Set out onions and lettuce.

Prune out elderberry branches more than 3 years old. Try to leave equal numbers of one-, two-, and three-year-old branches. Prune out any dead, diseased, or broken branches as well.